Eagle Creek Ranch Recovery Blog

Welcome to our blog section! Take a look at our latest addiction treatment, guides, and recovery blogs. We take pride in offering all our patients the necessary tools and resources they may need to overcome addiction. No matter how far into addiction you may be, it is never too late to live the life you and your family deserve.

Eagle Creek Ranch Recovery is here to make the process smooth and effective. You are never alone in your journey towards an addiction-free life. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, we’re here for you, give us a call today!

What is Long Term Recovery?

What makes long-term recovery hard? Staying sober isn’t easy. Triggers, self-doubt, and lack of planning can make it tougher. At Eagle Creek Recovery, we understand these challenges and work to provide the tools and support to help you overcome them.

What Happens to Your Body After You Stop Drinking Alcohol?

Alcohol is one of, if not the most commonly consumed addictive substance in the world. This is due in large part to its ease of access and how ingrained it is in society as a whole.

How Long Can You Take Methadone?

Depending on treatments, bodily responses, and individual factors, the length of safe time someone can use methadone varies case by case. However, unlike other shorter-term prescriptions, this medication for addiction can be prescribed up to a few years.

Facts and Myths About Meth

Methamphetamine, more commonly known as meth, is one of the most addictive substances available today. While it can have legitimate medical uses, specifically to treat ADHD and obesity, it is more commonly used and abused as a street drug due to its capacity for intense highs.

How Long Does it Take to Get Over a Caffeine Addiction?

Caffeine is frequently the sidekick that gets you through early mornings, late-night study sessions, and everything in-between.

The Danger of Combined Drug Intoxication

Whether it’s drinking alcohol while taking prescription medications, or taking two different types of drugs to counter or intensify each other, polydrug use is a serious issue. It is also a dangerous one, with combined drug intoxication (or CDI) being one of the leading causes of overdose deaths.

How Do I Know If I Have Childhood Trauma?

Childhood trauma can influence your life in profound ways and often goes unrecognized. Understanding if you have experienced childhood trauma is the first step towards healing.

How ADHD May Affect Men’s Relationships

How does having ADHD affect personal relationships? There are many possibilities, and it’s important to know them. ADHD can affect a man’s relationships by causing problems in many different areas. Mental illness (or the lack of management of one) can present very unique obstacles for a couple in a relationship.

Histrionic Personality Disorder in Men

Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) is a mental health condition that often doesn’t get the same attention as other types of mental health conditions or dual diagnosis disorders. In fact, it is one of the more overlooked and misunderstood disorders, particularly in men.