How Do I Know If I Have Childhood Trauma?
Childhood trauma can influence your life in profound ways and often goes unrecognized. Understanding if you have experienced childhood trauma is the first step towards healing.
Childhood trauma can influence your life in profound ways and often goes unrecognized. Understanding if you have experienced childhood trauma is the first step towards healing.
How does having ADHD affect personal relationships? There are many possibilities, and it’s important to know them. ADHD can affect a man’s relationships by causing problems in many different areas. Mental illness (or the lack of management of one) can present very unique obstacles for a couple in a relationship.
Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) is a mental health condition that often doesn’t get the same attention as other types of mental health conditions or dual diagnosis disorders. In fact, it is one of the more overlooked and misunderstood disorders, particularly in men.
Over time, people have come to associate different mental illnesses as being connected to certain groups of people. While certain groups of people may be diagnosed with certain mental illnesses more frequently, there are no inherent limitations on who can have a certain mental illness. Depression in particular does not discriminate by any aspects of a person.
October 10th is World Mental Health Day. The goal of this day is to increase awareness of mental health issues worldwide and to activate efforts in support of mental health. It offers a chance for all contributors working on mental health issues to talk about their work and how much more should be done to make mental health care a reality for people around the world.