Substance abuse disorders don’t discriminate. Men and women can both suffer from addiction, but they often benefit from different approaches to treatment. Since programs that are gender-specific can be more effective, men may see real advantages when a treatment program is designed just for them.

This can make a huge difference in the outcome of a program and the direction it takes a mans life. Seeking addiction treatment in Idaho is paramount in overcoming substance abuse issues. Picking the right program can make all the difference in getting the right treatment that will make the difference.

What is Men’s-Specific Addiction Treatment?

Men’s-specific addiction treatment is a specialized form of care that is designed specifically for men who are struggling with substance abuse and addiction. This type of care takes into account the unique needs and experiences of men, which can often be different from those of women.

Why is Men’s-Specific Addiction Treatment Important?

addiction detox for men in idaho

drunk alcoholic lain business man drinking whiskey from the bottle and glass depressed wasted and sad at home couch in alcohol abuse and alcoholism conceptAddiction doesn’t discriminate between men and women. While both genders can struggle with substance abuse disorders, men and women benefit from two different treatment approaches. Since recovery programs can be more effective when done with only one gender, men can see real benefits when an addiction treatment program is tailored to them.

Benefits of a Men’s Rehab Facility

There are many benefits that men in particular can experience when they choose a men’s-specific addiction treatment program. These benefits may include:

  • A sense of camaraderie and brotherhood with other men who are going through similar struggles
  • An improved ability to open up and share personal experiences and feelings
  • Increased participation in group therapy sessions
  • Improved self-esteem and confidence
  • Increased motivation to stay sober

If you or a man you know is struggling with addiction, consider looking into men’s-specific rehab programs. These programs can provide the care and support that men need to overcome addiction and build a foundation for long-term recovery.

Differences in Addiction and Treatment for Men

There are many differences in the responses between men and women when it comes to addiction treatment. Men are typically much more resistant to following addiction treatment protocols than women. This is often because men do not feel that they need treatment, and are more likely to drop out of treatment early.

In addition to men being less likely to follow treatment guidelines, they are also more likely to relapse. This makes sense as men typically don’t feel they even need treatment so how can they even relapse if they never had a problem, to begin with? This means that addiction treatment facilities need to tailor treatment and therapy methods to help men understand their substance abuse issues better and how they can effectively overcome them.

Sadly, there is a strong stigma that men are “weak” by asking for help with addiction or mental health disorders. The societal “norm” is that men are supposed to be strong and tough, and any admission of needing help is translated to weakness. This causes men to deny the presence of issues, and avoid discussing problems. Men would often prefer to suffer in silence.

Even worse so, if a man reaches out for help to a friend or family member (who’s another man) they also jump on that same perception. This can make it that much harder for a man to get the help he needs if he feels like he has no support.

Men are typically more likely to suffer from addiction than women, which ultimately means they will represent a larger population in treatment settings. Research conducted by NIAA in 2013 showed that adult men struggled with alcohol use disorders double those of adult women.

Also, if you take into consideration the fact that men are more likely to relapse and drop out of treatment early, this means they are more likely to attend treatment again. This also adds to men representing a larger number of the population in treatment facilities.

Due to the stigma surrounding men and behavioral health issues, men do not feel comfortable discussing their conditions. This can make it extremely difficult for treatment specialists to understand their issues and feelings. Even without the presence of a substance use disorder men do not typically express emotion easily. Therefore treatment providers typically have to overcome this challenge by utilizing other forms of therapy to break down these walls.

Men are more likely to display aggressive, angry behaviors during treatment. This is usually because men feel threatened by the consistent need to share and express emotion. Most men do not feel comfortable in vulnerable situations and this can cause a dramatic response.

The challenge to overcome the social stigma of being strong and self-reliant is an ongoing challenge throughout treatment. As more participants are added to therapy sessions men can feel challenged all over again.

Men have a bodily composition that allows them to process substances much more effectively and faster. For this reason, men don’t typically experience the negative side effects of substance abuse until later in their substance experimentation. This also means that men will feel less reluctant to move on to other substances or even mix substances.

Men are also more likely than women to engage in peer pressure tactics to try addictive substances and succumb to them than women. This causes men to start experimenting with drugs and alcohol at an earlier age than women.

Services at a Men’s Addiction Treatment Center

When men come to a treatment center that specializes in men’s addiction, they can expect to receive comprehensive care. This care typically includes:

  • Detoxification: The first step of men’s addiction treatment is detoxification, which helps men rid their bodies of harmful toxins. This is done under medical supervision to ensure men are as comfortable as possible during this difficult process. Treatment professionals conduct a thorough initial assessment to take note of the presence of any co-occurring disorders or other issues that cause them to customize the detox regimen.
  • Addiction treatment programs: An effective treatment program for a man will encompass a variety of therapy options, addiction education, and a focus on relapse prevention. All types of treatment within the program should address men’s unique challenges in addiction and treatment. Residential treatment programs can very effective as they will remove men from their current environment and allow them to better absorb the treatment.
  • Individual therapy: After detox, men will participate in individual therapy sessions. These sessions will help men understand the underlying causes of their addiction and develop tools to cope with triggers and cravings. Individual therapy can include cognitive behavioral therapy that is targeted at understanding their thoughts and behaviors on a deeper level.
  • Family therapy: Many men’s addiction treatment programs also offer family therapy. This type of therapy can help heal relationships that have been damaged by addiction. It can help men learn how to effectively communicate with family members and discuss their substance abuse issues and ask for help in recovery. This is paramount for long-term success in recovery.
  • Group therapy: Men’s rehab would not be complete without group therapy. Group therapy helps establish a pattern of acceptance in treatment to express emotion and relate to other men. This form of therapy helps break down a man’s guard and provides support throughout the treatment process.
  • Aftercare: Once men have completed a men’s addiction treatment program, they will need to participate in aftercare. Aftercare typically includes continued therapy and support groups. This helps men stay on track with their recovery.

Men’s addiction treatment can be incredibly effective. If you or a man you know is struggling with addiction, please seek help from a men’s rehab program.

How to Ask For Help

drug addiction treatment for men in idaho

If you are a man struggling with addiction, it can be hard to reach out for help. You may feel like you need to tough it out on your own or that asking for help is a sign of weakness. But addiction is a disease, and men’s rehab can offer you the treatment and support you need to recover.

If you are ready to seek help, there are a few ways to get started. You can:

  • Talk to your doctor: Your primary care physician can provide referrals to men’s rehab programs.
  • Reach out to a men’s support group: There are many men’s support groups available online and in communities across the country. These groups provide peer support and may be able to recommend a treatment provider that can help.
  • Reach out to a treatment center: You can contact a treatment center directly by calling their admissions department. These calls are confidential. You can also reach out via convenient chatbots on many treatment center websites as well.

Men’s Addiction Treatment at Eagle Creek Ranch Recovery

Eagle Creek Ranch Recovery offers an addiction treatment center located in the beautiful mountains of Idaho. Our men’s programs are designed specifically for men dealing with addiction and mental health issues. We recognize the many differences in treatment that are necessary between men and women and how to effectively customize programs. Our men’s rehab is unique and tailored to men’s needs and focuses on long-term recovery. Contact us to learn more today!